Showing posts with label Skin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skin. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Natural Rosacea Treatment

Demodectic Rosacea

Demodex Mites
Demodex Mites are microscopic creatures that inhabit the pores of the skin. You can't see them with the naked eye and they live harmlessly on most people. Yes, this made us cringe too! It has been found that Rosacea sufferers have a higher density of these mites on their skin than those without Rosacea, as seen in the study The Demodex Mite Population in Rosacea. It is believed this higher density of mites may lead to or worsen the condition. On the other hand, some people believe it isn't the actual number of mites, but rather the bacteria released when they die that causes Rosacea. Yucky, yes we know but all the more reason to get rid of them, right?! The study Mite-related bacterial antigens stimulate inflammatory cells in Rosacea found this bacteria has "the potential to stimulate an inflammatory response in patients with papulopustular Rosacea." Another interesting point to note is that Rosacea tends to flare up during heat and humidity, conditions in which these mites thrive.


In order to help treat Demodectic Rosacea, one must manage the Mite population on the skin and also soothe the inflammation caused. There are a number of ways to do this:

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil
Tea Tree Leaf
Some studies such as this one have found that tea tree oil may help kill off Demodex Mites. The problem though is that Tea Tree Oil is required to be at least 50% concentration. This can be irritating on the skin and may potentially burn the skin.

Anti-Demodex Medication

Medication is often prescribed to Rosacea sufferers which helps stop the mites from spreading and moving around the skin. The anti-parasitic medication Invermectin is one example that is commonly used to treat worms in dogs and other animal parasites. While it is often effective, there are some side effects such as possible neurotoxity which damages the nervous tissue. Additionally, this medication is not suitable to use during pregnancy, breast feeding or for children under 5 (as advised by your doctor).

Rosacea Night Powder

MooGoo has developed a powder for Rosacea caused by Demodex Mites. It will not necessarily help with other types of rosacea and as is often the case, what works for one doesn’t always work for another. We have 2 types. The day powder also provides some cosmetic cover, whilst the night powder contains a higher amount of the fine powder that makes life uncomfortable for the mites on the skin. For more information about our powder and how to use see here. Remember that Rosacea can be caused by Seborrheic Dermatitis (we have our Scalp Cream for this) or other causes.
Olive Leaf
Olive Leaf

Olive Leaf

Olive leaf extract is taken in capsule form and acts in the same way that antibiotics do. It is very strong which means dosages must not be tampered with. There isn't a lot of research into this treatment unfortunately.

Fish Oil and Vitamin E

The Omega-3 fatty acids found in Fish Oil have strong anti-inflammatory properties which help soothe the inflammation caused by Demodectic Rosacea. Vitamin E is effective in repairing damaged skin and helps reduce the redness caused by this condition.
Whilst both of these may help soothe the symptoms of Demodectic Rosacea, neither of them do anything about the mite population on the skin which causes the condition to flare up in the first place.

2. Blood Vessel Abnormalities

Abnormalities in the blood vessels of the face play a role in the development of Rosacea as it causes persistent redness and enlarged blood vessels. What causes the blood vessels to inflame and swell is unknown.
It has been shown in the past that a relationship exists between gut problems and skin conditions, such as Rosacea. The following 3 Rosacea triggers are all related to a gut condition.

3. Helicobacter Pylori

Artistic Impression of Helicobacter Pylori
Artistic Impression of Helicobacter Pylori

Helicobacter Pylori (Hp) is a common bacterial infection that affects the lining of the stomach and causes inflammation and stomach ulcers. It affects over 30% of the world's population, according to the Centre for Digestive Diseases. Hp may also lead to an increase of Nitrous Oxide (NO) in the blood and tissue which, along with the inflammatory symptoms, is believed to cause a range of other conditions, including Rosacea. The bacteria may also prompt a protein known as bradykinnin to develop which may trigger the expansion of blood vessels (a common characteristic of Rosacea).


The first step to treat Rosacea caused by Hp bacteria is to eliminate the bacteria itself and soothe the associated inflammation. This can be done using:

Oral Antibiotics

Antibiotics are commonly prescribed for Hp infections. However, if antibiotics are taken too much, the bacteria may become resistant to their effects which force you to take higher or stronger dosages.

Natural Supplements

A number of natural supplements have been found to kill off Hp bacteria and soothe the inflammation. These include (but are not limited to):

1. Monolaurin 

Monolaurin is derived from coconut oil and, interestingly, is also found in human breast milk. It has strong anti-inflammatory properties which help soothe the symptoms of Hp. It is taken in capsule form and a number of studies have found it is effective in killing off the bacteria. Some examples include:
Bacterial effects of fatty acids and momoglycerides
Minimum Inhibitory concentrations of herbal essential oils and Monolaurin of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria
Monolaurin is derived from Coconut Oil
Monolaurin is derived from Coconut Oil

2. Mastic Gum

Mastic Gum is derived from the mastic tree and acts as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal supplement that has been found by some studies to kill off Hp bacteria such as:
The effect of mastic gum on Helicobacter Pylori: A randomized pilot study
Bacterial Activity of Pistacia lentiscus Mastic Gum against Helicobacter Pylori

3. L Glutamine 

L Glutamine is an amino acid that's found in high levels throughout the body. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and is essential for the proper fucntion of the immune system. It is often taken as a supplement to heal any damage and inflammation caused by Hp. This article goes into this a bit deeper and one study that examines the efectiveness of the amino acid in soothing inflammation is Why is L-Glutamine important to cells of the immune system in health, post injury, surgery and infection?

4. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth 

Small Intestinal What??
Small Intestinal What???

Some cases of Rosacea are caused by Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). SIBO develops when there is a growth of excess bacteria in the small intestine (in a healthy digestive system there is only a small amount of bacteria present). This causes inflammation and damage to the intestinal wall which prompts other conditions such as Rosacea to develop. The study Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in Rosacea: clinical effectiveness of its eradication found that, "Rosacea patients have a significantly higher SIBO prevalence than controls."


Initial emphasis should be on removing the unwanted bacteria and to soothe the inflammation caused. This can be done using:


Antibiotics are often prescribed to treat SIBO and may be quite effective for some people. There are quite a few internet forums that look at the use of antibiotics such as this one. However, prolonged use of antibiotics may disrupt gut flora which is increasingly being linked to other health risks.

Low Carbohydrate Diet 

When carbohydrates are eaten, they break down during digestion and 'feed' the bacteria. Of course we do not want that to happen! We recommend that if you have SIBO, avoid grains and rather stick to veggies, fruits, legumes and protein instead.

Herbal Remedies

Peppermint Leaves
Peppermint Oil  is a popular supplement among SIBO sufferers. It is taken in capsule form which opens up once it reaches the small intestine and kills off the unwanted bacteria. A number of studies look at the effectiveness of this supplement such as:
The treatment of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth with enteric-coated peppermint oil: a case report (Peppermint Oil)
Peppermint oil (Mintoil) in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome a prospective double blind placebo-controlled randomized trial
Grapefruit extract, oregano oil capsules, garlic and olive leaf extract are some other herbal remedies however there isn't too much research into these.

Digestive Enzymes

Digestive enzymes are often taken to help support the body's digestive system until the unwanted bacteria is removed.


Probiotics are often taken by SIBO sufferers which help reduce the inflammation caused, inhibit unwanted bacteria and help the body's digestive functions work more efficiently.

5. Leaky Gut Syndrome 

Leaky Gut Syndrome
Leaky Gut Syndrome
Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS) is a common condition that occurs when the digestive tract walls become too penetrable, thus allowing toxins, allergens and food molecules to pass out of the gut into the rest of the body. The immune system identifies these as 'invaders' and responds to them as it normally would to say the Flu virus. As the leakages occur each meal, this leads to an overactive immune response which leads to inflammation and further conditions, such as Rosacea.


Initial emphasis should be placed on healing the damaged digestive tract and soothing the inflammation caused. We recommend identifying any possible food allergies and make the required nutritional changes.


Probiotics are often taken to help repair the intestinal tract and reduce the associated inflammation.

Natural Supplements

Some supplements have been found to help heal the damaged tract and reduce the inflammation caused. These include:

1. Glutamine

Glutamine, an amino acid, helps restore the gut barrier and digestive functions that are impacted by this gut condition. This article looks into this a bit more and the study Glutamine: a role in gut protection in critical illness looks at the effectiveness of Glutamine in treating LGS.

2. Quercetin

Quercetin is found in fruits and veggies
Quercetin is derived from fruits and veggies
Quercetin is a flavanoid that can be found in fruits, veggies, leaves and grains. It acts as an effective antioxidant and helps to soothe the inflammation caused by LGS by improving the tissue health of the intestinal wall.

Rosacea: Diagnosis and Treatment

How do dermatologists diagnose rosacea?

To diagnose rosacea, a dermatologist examines the skin and eyes. Your dermatologist also will ask questions.

How do dermatologists treat rosacea?

To treat rosacea, a dermatologist first finds all of the patient’s signs and symptoms of rosacea. This is crucial because different signs and symptoms need different treatment.
Treatment for the skin includes:
  • Medicine that is applied to the rosacea.
  • Sunscreen (wearing it every day can help prevent flare-ups).
  • An emollient to help repair the skin.
  • Lasers and other light treatments.
  • Antibiotics (applied to the skin and pills).

Dermatologists can remove the thickening skin that appears on the nose and other parts of the face with:

  • Lasers.
  • Dermabrasion (procedure that removes skin).
  • Electrocautery (procedure that sends electric current into the skin to treat it).

When rosacea affects the eyes, a dermatologist may give you instructions for washing the eyelids several times a day and a prescription for eye medicine.


There is no cure for rosacea. People often have rosacea for years.
In one study, researchers asked 48 people who had seen a dermatologist for rosacea about their rosacea. More than half (52 percent) had rosacea that came and went. These people had had rosacea for an average of 13 years. The rest of the people (48 percent) had seen their rosacea clear. People who saw their rosacea clear had rosacea for an average of 9 years.
Some people have rosacea flare-ups for life. Treatment can prevent the rosacea from getting worse. Treatment also can reduce the acne-like breakouts, redness, and the number of flare-ups.
To get the best results, people with rosacea also should learn what triggers their rosacea, try to avoid these triggers, and follow a rosacea skin-care plan.

Rosacea: Signs and Symptoms

Rosacea: Signs and symptoms

Rosacea causes more than a red face. There are many signs (what you can see) and symptoms (what a person feels) of rosacea.
Because rosacea has so many signs and symptoms, scientists created 4 subtypes of rosacea. Some people have more than one rosacea subtype at the same time. Each subtype requires different treatment.

Subtype 1: Facial redness, flushing, visible blood vessels 

Signs and symptoms

  • Flushing and redness in the center of the face.
  • Visible broken blood vessels (spider veins).
  • Swollen skin.
  • Skin may be very sensitive.
  • Skin may sting and burn.
  • Dry skin, roughness or scaling.
  • Have a tendency to flush or blush more easily than other people.

Subtype 2: Acne-like breakouts

Signs and symptoms

  • Acne-like breakouts, usually where the skin is very red.
  • Acne-like breakouts tend to come and go.
  • Oily skin.
  • Skin may be very sensitive.
  • Skin may burn and sting.
  • Visible broken blood vessels (spider veins).
  • Raised patches of skin called plaques 

Subtype 3: Thickening skin

Signs and symptoms
This subtype is rare. When it does occur, the person often has signs and symptoms of another subtype of rosacea first. The signs of this subtype are:

  • Bumpy texture to the skin.
  • Skin begins to thicken, especially common on the nose. When the skin thickens on the nose, it is called rhinophyma (rye-NO-fie-ma).
  • Skin may thicken on the chin, forehead, cheeks, and ears.
  • Visible broken blood vessels appear.
  • Pores look large.
  • Oily skin.

Subtype 4: In the eyes

Signs and symptoms
Some people get rosacea in their eyes. The eyes may have one or more of the following:
  • Watery or bloodshot appearance.
  • Feel gritty, often feels like sand in the eyes.
  • Eyes burn or sting.
  • Eyes are very dry.
  • Eyes itch.
  • Eyes sensitive to light.
  • Blurry vision.
  • Visible broken blood vessels on an eyelid.
  • Cyst on the eyelid.
  • Person cannot see as well as before.  

Rosacea can affect quality of life

Rosacea can affect more than the skin and eyes. Because rosacea is a chronic (long-lasting) skin disease, it can reduce a person’s quality of life. Many people report problems at work, in their marriage, and with meeting new people. Surveys and studies report that living with rosacea can cause:

  • Feelings of frustration and embarrassment: In surveys conducted by the National Rosacea Society, 41 percent said their rosacea caused them to avoid public contact or cancel social engagements.

  • Worry: People worry that their rosacea will get worse or cause scars. People worry about side effects from medicine used to treat rosacea.

  • Low self-esteem: Surveys conducted by the National Rosacea Society found that almost 70 percent of people living with rosacea said that the condition lowered their self-confidence and self-esteem.

  • Work-related problems: Surveys conducted by the National Rosacea Society find that when rosacea is severe, 70 percent of people say the disease affects their interactions at work. Nearly 30 percent say that rosacea causes them to miss work.

  • Anxiety and depression: Living with a skin condition that flares unexpectedly can cause people to believe you have a drinking problem. This can cause anxiety and depression.
Treatment seems to improve a person’s quality of life. Studies show that when people have fewer signs and symptoms of rosacea, their quality of life improves.


Who gets Rosacea and Causes...

Rosacea: Who gets and causes

Who gets rosacea? 

Rosacea is common. According to the U.S. government, more than 14 million people are living with rosacea. Most people who get rosacea are:

  • Between 30 and 50 years of age.
  • Fair-skinned, and often have blonde hair and blue eyes.
  • From Celtic or Scandinavian ancestry.
  • Likely to have someone in their family tree with rosacea or severe acne.
  • Likely to have had lots of acne — or acne cysts and/or nodules.

Women are a bit more likely than men to get rosacea. Women, however, are not as likely as men to get severe rosacea. Some people are more likely to get rosacea, but anyone can get this skin disease. People of all colors get rosacea. Children get rosacea.

What causes rosacea?

Scientists are still trying to find out what causes rosacea. By studying rosacea, scientists have found some important clues:
  • Rosacea runs in families. Many people who get rosacea have family members who have rosacea. It is possible that people inherit genes for rosacea.

  • The immune system may play a role. Scientists found that most people with acne-like rosacea react to a bacterium (singular for bacteria) called bacillus oleronius. This reaction causes their immune system to overreact. Scientists still do not know whether this can cause rosacea.

  • A bug that causes infections in the intestines may play a role. This bug, H pylori, is common in people who have rosacea. Scientists cannot prove that H pylori can cause rosacea. Many people who do not have rosacea have an H pylori infection.

  • A mite that lives on everyone’s skin, demodex, may play a role. This mite likes to live on the nose and cheeks, and this is where rosacea often appears. Many studies found that people with rosacea have large numbers of this mite on their skin. The problem is some people who do not have rosacea also have large numbers of this mite on their skin.

  • A protein that normally protects the skin from infection, cathelicidin, may cause the redness and swelling. How the body processes this protein may determine whether a person gets rosacea.